Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday - 2013 Reading Goals

TTT is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and the theme is reading goals. I was very happy to have completed the various challenges I set for myself in 2012. I read 15 books past my Goodreads Goal of 400 books. I knocked 48 books off my TBR pile (don't ask by how many the pile grew), read 30 debut novels and 83 with my ears. 

So, here are my goals:
1. I set a Goodreads goal of 450 books. 

2. Will continue to keep track of books read from the tbr pile, audios and debuts even though I haven't signed up for any challenges. (Maybe I should've broken these out to separate goals?)

3. Will read more non-fiction.

4. Will read more poetry.

5. Will get back to my Dickens Challenge. (I read 6 Dickens novels way back in 2009 and had 6 left on my list to complete.) Need to read The Pickwick Papers; Bleak House; Edwin Drood; Little Dorritt; Barnaby Budge and (reread) A Christmas Carol.

6. Review more. I read a ton in 2012, but reviewed far fewer books than in past years. Writing is a very slow process for me. Seriously, sometimes I labor hours over a two paragraph review! And when I reread it, I usually cringe. Unfortunately, I did not review some of my favorite favorite books last year. Shameful.

7. Comment more on blogs. I am always thrilled to find a comment. The problem here is that I read blogs in my feeder at school, where most of the blogs are blocked. I need to get in the habit of jotting down the names of blogs and revisited at home.

8. Weed my blog feeder. If I come across a blog post I like, I will usually drop it into my feeder without doing too much exploring of other posts. The result is that I end up skimming or wasting my time reading reviews of, 1. books I'm not interested in reading, 2. poorly written, un-critical reviews, or 3. lots of blog tours or author interviews. 

9. I knew I should've broken #2 out into separate goals. That's all I have. 

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